Facts about Water
- Nearly 1.1 billion people do not have safe water to drink.
- A child dies every 15 seconds from a lack of clean water.
- 2.3 million children who die before age 5 worldwide, die of a water related disease due to the consumption of unclean water.
- 2.6 billion people which is more than 40% of the world's population does not have access to toilets.
- The WHO reports over 3.6% of the global disease burden can be prevented simply by improving water supply/sanitation and hygiene.
- Women and children (mainly girls) bear the burden of fetching water daily. This restricts girls from attending schools and requires mothers to leave their small children unattended.
- Water in rivers and lakes in remote areas are used for drinking, cleaning, washing and defecation by animals and humans.
Our Work
- Provide safe drinking water for more than 170,000 people daily. We have requests daily for assistance.
- Utilize water harvesting techniques that provide the most promising alternative for supplying water where fresh and clean water is scarce or unavailable.
- Drill clean water wells with hand pumps to protect from contamination.
- Provide solar toilets when full sanitation systems cannot be implemented.
- Eradicate water borne diseases by drilling safe/clean water wells and by providing proper sanitation and hygiene training.
- Install waterless/solar toilets with shelter for improved health conditions and to restore dignity for all.
You Can Change A Life
- Access to clean water is 100 - 700 feet below the surface.
- Donate to or sponsor a hand pumped clean water well
- Dig a Well for a community today.
- Provide a community with natures most important resource today. Your organization/company/family name will be placed on the well. A video of the ribbon cutting and photos will be sent to you to share with your network of friends.
Make a Donation
- Partner with friends, churches, civic organizations and places of employment to dig a well.
- Become a monthly partner and assist us in providing fresh drinking water wells and sanitation systems in remote villages in Africa.
- 100% of all gifts impact lives.